Category Archives: Walks

The meeting of the Pods : June 27

It was an early (9am) start for the Jamsparks Pod on the 27th, and the Pod headed out along Ridge Track, towards Mount Glenrowan. Morning tea was held at Chick Hill (a short detour from Ridge Track), and then the Pod continued to Mount Glenrowan for lunch at Morgan’s Lookout. It was a great day…

Pod walks, June 2020

The 10 member Pod system introduced as a response to the pandemic is working well, and in the past few weeks Pod members have tackled, Reform Hill, and the riverside walk at Myrtleford (10km) White Box Walk (8.5km, Chiltern Mt Pilot NP) Barrys Falls (Eldorado, 16km) Sunrise Track (Warby Ranges, 7km) Here is Michael’s blog…

Bushwalking update: June 16

At the last committee meeting (via Zoom, 14/06) it was decided to continue with our walking Pods until the end of June, but to advertise the walks to all members. As well, continuing on from July 1, # we will continue with the non-sharing of vehicles, both via car pooling and car shuffling. # walks…

POD Walks and Misc News

The Pod walking system is in full swing, and in the past few weeks Pod leaders have taken their flock to a range of different venues in the North-east, including Friends Loop, Mount Stanley, Sunrise Track, Chick Hill, Mount Buffalo, Loggers Lane and the Alpine Views Track. The photo is of Jeanette and Michael’s Pod,…

COVID19: Phase 2 program advice.

We will continue our informal program of walking in ‘Pods’ to provide opportunity for members to join for social walks within the COVID19 restrictions, however under the Phase 2 starting June 1 we will ‘network’ the Pods. Five Groups have been formed, and have stepped out together for local walks. 39 members have signed up…

Bushwalking Update

Warby Range Bushwalkers Update: May 16th From Cecily Fletcher, Club President (A PDF copy of this document is available for download under “Walks Program”). Hello everyone, The committee met this week, and have made some decisions about moving forward now restrictions are eased, recognising that the presence of COVID-19 remains a risk to be managed….

Category Archives: Walks

The meeting of the Pods : June 27

It was an early (9am) start for the Jamsparks Pod on the 27th, and the Pod headed out along Ridge Track, towards Mount Glenrowan. Morning tea was held at Chick Hill (a short detour from Ridge Track), and then the Pod continued to Mount Glenrowan for lunch at Morgan’s Lookout. It was a great day…

Pod walks, June 2020

The 10 member Pod system introduced as a response to the pandemic is working well, and in the past few weeks Pod members have tackled, Reform Hill, and the riverside walk at Myrtleford (10km) White Box Walk (8.5km, Chiltern Mt Pilot NP) Barrys Falls (Eldorado, 16km) Sunrise Track (Warby Ranges, 7km) Here is Michael’s blog…

Bushwalking update: June 16

At the last committee meeting (via Zoom, 14/06) it was decided to continue with our walking Pods until the end of June, but to advertise the walks to all members. As well, continuing on from July 1, # we will continue with the non-sharing of vehicles, both via car pooling and car shuffling. # walks…

POD Walks and Misc News

The Pod walking system is in full swing, and in the past few weeks Pod leaders have taken their flock to a range of different venues in the North-east, including Friends Loop, Mount Stanley, Sunrise Track, Chick Hill, Mount Buffalo, Loggers Lane and the Alpine Views Track. The photo is of Jeanette and Michael’s Pod,…

COVID19: Phase 2 program advice.

We will continue our informal program of walking in ‘Pods’ to provide opportunity for members to join for social walks within the COVID19 restrictions, however under the Phase 2 starting June 1 we will ‘network’ the Pods. Five Groups have been formed, and have stepped out together for local walks. 39 members have signed up…

Bushwalking Update

Warby Range Bushwalkers Update: May 16th From Cecily Fletcher, Club President (A PDF copy of this document is available for download under “Walks Program”). Hello everyone, The committee met this week, and have made some decisions about moving forward now restrictions are eased, recognising that the presence of COVID-19 remains a risk to be managed….