WRB News & Events

Mount Wombat walk and Seven Creeks Walk, Strathbogie : Sunday, July 21

Six committed walkers enjoyed a break in the wintry conditions to hike up Mount Wombat, and along Seven Creeks in the Strathbogie area on Sunday. We set off from the historic Strathbogie Cemetery, in Mount Wombat Flora and Fauna Reserve, where we were delighted to immediately encounter “fauna” in the shape of a beautiful koala…

Mansion Loop, Stanley Forest : Saturday, 6th July

Fifteen very keen walkers set off up Red Hill Track, after meeting at the “mansion” site about one kilometre east of Beechworth township. From here, we ambled along many beautiful bush tracks, and fire trails, in the Stanley Forest, such as the Kerferd, Middle, Gum Tree Ridge and Running Creek Track. The steep climbs slowed…

Sunday, 23rd June. Back Creek Hills between Yackandandah and Stanley.

On Sunday morning 13 true believers, so to speak, set out for our walk in the Back Creek Hills. It was a very cold morning, but we could tell from the clear blue sky that it was going to warm up a bit, and it was most defiantly going to be a nice day to…

White Box Walk, Chiltern : June 19

Todays’ midweek walk, the White Box Walking Track in the Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park, was held in the afternoon, and attended by 11 walkers who rugged up to brave the cold forecast of an expected high of 11 degrees. Meeting at the start point, the Honeyeater Picnic Area, we started with lunch, and hot cuppa’s,…

Kelly’s Cave : Saturday, June 8

Thirteen people took part in the walk to visit Kelly’s Cave, located between Eldorado and Beechworth. Three new members came along which was great, and one has not been in Australia for long; they were all made very welcome. We could not have asked for a better day, as it was nice and sunny, and…


On Sunday 26th May, on a beautiful autumn day, 11 walkers set off on the first of two loop walks both starting from the Bright township. The Cherry walk is a five kilometre loop walk following the Ovens River upstream, crossing to bridges and turning back at the second. The walk is named after the…

Mount Wombat walk and Seven Creeks Walk, Strathbogie : Sunday, July 21

Six committed walkers enjoyed a break in the wintry conditions to hike up Mount Wombat, and along Seven Creeks in the Strathbogie area on Sunday.

We set off from the historic Strathbogie Cemetery, in Mount Wombat Flora and Fauna Reserve, where we were delighted to immediately encounter “fauna” in the shape of a beautiful koala which scrambled up a small tree.

We set off up the Mount Wombat Lookout vehicular road which ascends for about three kilometres, through beautiful tall eucalyptus forest, to the rocky summit at 799m altitude.

Here we enjoyed morning tea, and a magnificent 360 degree view with minimal haze.

After our descent back to the cars, we lingered at the cemetery, but not for too long as we had lunch to look forward to at the beautiful Polly McQuinns Picnic Area on the raging Seven Creeks, a 20 minute drive away.

After lunch we drove to near Strathbogie township and walked two kilometres, following the Seven Creeks from an old stockbridge, and exiting up to the Main Street.

We enjoyed the historic interest of the buildings and statues, before being enticed by the warmth and thought of a hot drink at the Strathbogie Store and Coffee Shop, whilst the weather threatened with about 10 spots of rain.

Overall, it was a brilliant day, encompassing two walks, and a taste of the Strathbogie area.

Anne Ford

Mansion Loop, Stanley Forest : Saturday, 6th July

Fifteen very keen walkers set off up Red Hill Track, after meeting at the “mansion” site about one kilometre east of Beechworth township. From here, we ambled along many beautiful bush tracks, and fire trails, in the Stanley Forest, such as the Kerferd, Middle, Gum Tree Ridge and Running Creek Track. The steep climbs slowed…

Sunday, 23rd June. Back Creek Hills between Yackandandah and Stanley.

On Sunday morning 13 true believers, so to speak, set out for our walk in the Back Creek Hills. It was a very cold morning, but we could tell from the clear blue sky that it was going to warm up a bit, and it was most defiantly going to be a nice day to…

White Box Walk, Chiltern : June 19

Todays’ midweek walk, the White Box Walking Track in the Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park, was held in the afternoon, and attended by 11 walkers who rugged up to brave the cold forecast of an expected high of 11 degrees. Meeting at the start point, the Honeyeater Picnic Area, we started with lunch, and hot cuppa’s,…

Kelly’s Cave : Saturday, June 8

Thirteen people took part in the walk to visit Kelly’s Cave, located between Eldorado and Beechworth. Three new members came along which was great, and one has not been in Australia for long; they were all made very welcome. We could not have asked for a better day, as it was nice and sunny, and…


On Sunday 26th May, on a beautiful autumn day, 11 walkers set off on the first of two loop walks both starting from the Bright township. The Cherry walk is a five kilometre loop walk following the Ovens River upstream, crossing to bridges and turning back at the second. The walk is named after the…