White Box Walk, Chiltern : June 19

Todays’ midweek walk, the White Box Walking Track in the Chiltern-Mount Pilot National Park, was held in the afternoon, and attended by 11 walkers who rugged up to brave the cold forecast of an expected high of 11 degrees.

Meeting at the start point, the Honeyeater Picnic Area, we started with lunch, and hot cuppa’s, before heading off on the 8.5k loop track.

The highlights of our walk were the Golden Bar Open-Cut Mine and the landscape that has been altered by mining over 100 years ago and now features mullock heaps.

We sighted two wallabies, and a number of Scarlet Robins delighted us in the picnic area, and elsewhere during the walk, and we sighted a dozen or more White-winged Chough.

The forest includes Red Stringybark, Blakely’s Redgums, Mugga Ironbark, Apple Box, White Box, Red Box, and we came across two grass trees.

We stopped for a snack at the ‘quiet area’ and finished the walk back at the Honeyeater Picnic area with afternoon tea.

Parks Victoria was kind enough to provide some brochures at the information board that enabled us to identify the birds and trees.

It turned out we walked in the best part of the day (double figures for the duration of our time there) with some sunshine before the sky clouded over, and Chiltern had reached a high of 11.9 degrees.

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