Salisbury Walk, Friends Track, Kwat – Kwat Lookout, Warby Ovens NP : Sunday, 28th April

Fifteen enthusiastic club members (with two “neweys”) headed off from Wenham’s Camp to complete this now classic 11km circuit in the Warby Ranges.

This delightful amble encompassed most of the Friends Track, a stop at Kwat – Kwat Lookout (cuppa), the Alpine Views Track, and then a small section of the Salisbury Walk, before reaching Mount Warby where lunch was enjoyed.

We then descended back to our cars, and the newly refurbished “bush garden” at Wenham’s!

Pat’s super welcoming cuppa box appeared from the boot of her car, and the group gathered around discussing the great walk we had experienced.

Fine weather meant that the views were impressive, despite some fuel reduction smoke appearing in the Ovens and King Valleys.


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