Lockdown Walks

‘Lockdown’ Walks in the Warbies

In this challenging time of the Covid19 lockdown, not all is lost for walkers.  We are legally able to walk for exercise, and what better way to do it than a walk in the Warby Range, so close to Wangaratta.

We currently have a household of six, as family who were living abroad joined us in Wangaratta in late February.  So, far from enforced solitude during the lockdown, we have a busy, and at times, somewhat noisy household. 

The Warbies have been our outlet.  We have done several walks (sometimes more than once) including Pangerang Lookout, Jubilee area, Pine Gully, Friends Track, and Salisbury Falls. 

The bonus of the copious autumn rains is that the waterfalls are flowing, and flowers, including orchids which we associate with Spring, have been blooming.

For our ‘German’ grandchildren, there have been the delights of seeing kangaroos, and other wildlife.

They call our grasstrees ‘Grug’ after the character in the children’s books of the same name. 

And to make the four kilometre walk to Pangerang Lookout plausible for little feet, they scootered most of the way!

We have seen plenty of walkers, including lots of families, during our recent walks in the Warbies. 

Why not try it?

Adrian and Helen Twitt

May, 2020

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