Join the Warby Range Bushwalkers Club

On a casual basis, you can simply join us for a walk and pay $5 to cover insurance etc. Then if you wish to become a member, you can either make full payment to the Walk Leader on the day of the walk, who will then give you a receipt and name tag, or fill in the membership application form (see link below)

If you subsequently join the Club, then the walks fee paid on a casual basis will be deducted from your annual subscription.

*Associate membership will not give you access to walks unless you are a member of a Club affiliated with ‘Bushwalking Victoria’, but you will receive our newsletter, and be entitled to attend our Club’s social evenings.

If you join after the 1st of February in any year, then the full subscription is payable, however this will be regarded as a subscription lasting until the following year (that is, approximately 14 months, as compared to a normal 12 month subscription).

Please see the link below for our subscription form.

WRB Membership Form (PDF)

WRB Membership Form (Word format)

Other Information and Costs
Car Pooling
At the start of any walk when we meet at a designated location, the Leader of that walk will introduce everyone, distribute maps, and talk about the organisation for the day.

The Leader will also estimate how many kilometres of travel are required for the walk, and calculate the amount that every passenger should pay the drivers of the car pooling vehicles.

The Leader will then try to ensure that all the cars travelling to the start of that walk are reasonably full. Each passenger pays the driver the designated amount to help cover fuel costs.

When staying away, we try to minimise costs where ever possible by staying in hostels, sharing rooms and cooking as a group.

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