Lake Sambell to Lake Kerferd : January 2

Todays walk from Lake Sambell to Lake Kerferd was attended by 16 walkers, two of whom were casuals who initially attended a walk with our club via Try Bushwalking Month in November last year.

The walk began at Lake Sambell, and we followed the track alongside it to the Lake Sambell Caravan Park, crossing a footbridge over Silver Creek, to begin the shared walk/bike track to Lake Kerferd.

After crossing another bridge over Silver Creek, we entered a cool forest area with covered mine shafts, and then reached the Beechworth Holiday Park.

Continuing on the shared trail, we then reached the Heaven and Hell Tunnels, and continued on the Pipeline Track to Lake Kerferd.

Morning tea was held at Lake Kerferd, in the shade of some majestic gum trees, before we returned along the shared trail to Lake Sambell.

Lunch was beside Lake Sambell, at a high point overlooking the lake.

Todays walk was rescheduled to avoid the hot weather forecast for Saturday.

The temperature at Beechworth was about 27C on our return for lunch.

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