Safety and Protection

The safety and protection of all our members whilst undertaking a club activity is of paramount importance.

The Warby Walkers pay substantial insurance to cover the Club against legal liability, and public liability, as well as to cover a walker who may be injured during a walk.

At the start of every walk all participants sign in with their address, and contact person in case of an emergency. This signing in procedure protects the club against legal liability, but also means that we can contact someone at home if there is an emergency.

The Leader of every walk either carries a comprehensive First Aid kit, or asks another walker to do so.  Club members are offered updates on First Aid training by accredited presenters at periodic intervals as part of our Walks Program.

All walks are led by experienced leaders, who are asked to reconnoiter their walk before they undertake the walk officially with the group.  The Leader usually distributes maps of where the walk will occur.

At the start of the walk there is always the introduction of all members to new members, as well as a discussion of any pertinent points relevant to that particular walk.

During a walk, an experienced bushwalker is always given the role of “Tail-end-Charlie”, and discussions occur between the Leader and the “Tail-end-Charlie” about whether the speed of walking is appropriate for the group as a whole.

If a walker is injured then there are always at least two walkers who remain with, and assist, that injured person to ensure that they return to base camp safely.

BWV Bushwalking Manual

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